Friday, April 29, 2011

We Need Our Own Show

Here’s just a taste of the funny things that have been said by the Frias family this past week. It’s no wonder I missed home.
Newscaster- “The serial flasher is described as a white male, 20-30 years old, 5’5”-5’11”, with brown hair, and clean shaven.”
Robert- “Clean shaven where?”
Robert- “Can you bring me a drink?”
Dad- “You have iced tea.”
Robert- “Well, I only have a little bit left.”
Dad- “Pace yourself.”
After watching 127 Hours...
Me- “Is there really a need to translate this to spanish?”
Robert- “Seriously, what’s he gonna say, ‘¡Ay!’?”
My mom has multiple quotes. None of which would be funny to anyone because they weren’t there to hear her actually say it. Her voice is really the only reason we find what she says hilarious. Some of her quotes are things such as:
“Four please.”
“Walmart is the biggest company in the history of the world.”
“Does anyone want a ham sandwich?”

It's obvious that we have the potential
to be the next big TV stars.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


This school year went by ridiculously fast, and I couldn’t have asked for a better freshman year. Dang, thinking about everything that happened just makes me smile. Every day I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. That feeling came with me back to Prescott because I’m currently sitting in my living room with my brother and mom (my dad is already asleep and probably has been since 8:00) watching the Sandlot after going to Easter Vigil and I can’t imagine being anywhere else.
I’m so glad to be back in Prescott, but then it hit me the other day that after I’ve been back here for a couple weeks, I’m going to start to miss my Utah family. Honestly, it might just be a couple days. This is the disadvantage to going to school out of state. No matter where I am, there are going to be people missing in my life. 
Okay, maybe I didn't feel the love when
the weather looked like this.
However, I did feel like I was right where I
was supposed to be when I was around these people.

We know that Christ, raised from the dead, dies no more; death no longer has power over him. As to his death, he died to sin once and for all; as to his life, he lives for God. Consequently, you too must think of yourselves as being dead to sin and living for God in Christ Jesus.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

One Sheep... Two Sheep...

It seems that at some point, everyone has an all-nighter during college. I’ve been lucky enough that I haven’t experienced one all year. Until tonight, well now it’s the morning. Unfortunately, this isn’t happening because I have an obscene amount of homework, which I guess that could be seen as a good thing. Nope, I’m pulling an all-nighter simply because I can’t sleep. I’ve been known to have a little bit of insomnia every once in a while, but this is kinda ridiculous. 
When I was laying in bed a couple hours ago wondering why I wasn’t tired, I was thinking about my day and what I did that could be the possible cause of my situation. All I could think of is the latte I had at about 4:00. Except I have coffee a couple times a week, so it shouldn’t be having this effect on me. Our small group went around cleaning dorm rooms as a way to say thanks to everyone for letting us use the building all year. I washed a bunch of dishes. Maybe I cleaned a pan that was used to cook some kind of caffeine-loaded soup and the fumes got to me. 
Mystery solved. The worst insomnia I’ve ever had was the result of an afternoon latte and inhaling the fumes from the remnants of a special caffeine soup.

One benefit of this morning was that
I was able to catch the last night's episode 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Shoes For Tomorrow Project

I don’t understand TOMS. Not one bit. It’s great that they donate a pair of shoes to kids who don’t have any. Except that only happens after you buy a pair for yourself. Here’s an idea, why don’t you use the $50 you’re going to spend on your own shoes and buy a few pairs to send to others? 
Also, has anyone else noticed that these shoes are ugly? Everyone says they’re comfortable, which I’m all for. Seriously though, they’re hideous. I don’t know what it is that makes them seem so unattractive to me, so I’m sorry if I’m offending all you Toms lovers out there. Really, they just look ridiculous.
I think what really bothers me is that people claim that they like to give to others, which is awesome. Except they only like to give when they know they will receive recognition or some personal benefit. I feel like when someone sports their TOMS, it’s like they’re saying, “Hey check out my hip shoes! By spending an absurd amount of money on these hideous things I’m helping others! Aren’t I awesome and fashionable?” Once again, I apologize to all you TOMS lovers. Especially those of you who really are genuine givers.
Now I own a pair of these beauties...
I am fully aware that they sort of look like Toms. Except I think Sanuk shoes actually look normal. Again, I don’t know why I think they look exponentially better than TOMS. So I'm sorry, I just can’t help how I feel.

P.S. In case you didn't know, TOMS is derived from the word tomorrow, which is short for Shoes for Tomorrow which is short for the Shoes for Tomorrow Project.