Thursday, September 23, 2010

Shia is Coming to Ogden

Something is going on in this town with Transformers. I’ve only seen the movies once, so I don’t understand how it all works. All I know is that I wouldn’t mind if Louis Stevens aka Shia LaBeouf showed up looking for the All Spark. Which may have been destroyed in one of the movies, but I can’t remember. If it doesn’t exist anymore, then there is some other magical Transformers part here, and Ogden might appear in the third movie. Seriously though, I’ve seen at least fifteen cars with Autobot or Decepticon stickers on the windows. There’s people wearing shirts, hats, a backpacks all over the place. It’s weird. It comes up in conversation too. The professor in biomed mentioned watching bad movies, like Transformers. Then in IV small group we had a full blown conversation about it. We were talking about going out of our way to speak with the people that drive us crazy. One of the girls said that when she runs into that annoying person she just has to think, “Transform me Jesus!” Which is fantastic and we spent the rest of the night comparing God to the All Spark etc. Every day I’m on the lookout for robots and huge explosions, but alas, I haven’t seen any yet.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?

9/11 was fascinating to me, and it still is. There are certain images that will forever be etched in my memory.

This morning I woke up and watched some of the live feed of names of the fallen being read at Ground Zero. There were links to different articles, and one was of political cartoons. The first was appropriate for today, but then the next three were something along this line...

The Never Forgive part really caught me off guard. Nine years later, people still are holding onto grudges and hate. Sadly, I feel that those are what people are harboring more than the Never Forget part. Our country hasn’t forgotten. Not even close. However, our pride has deteriorated slowly over the past couple years. People will proudly be flying their flags today, but why isn’t is like that every day? Why is the pre-game National Anthem at sporting events only televised on July 4th and 9/11? Why don’t sports teams still have flag patches on their jerseys like they did after the attacks?

It makes me so sad that today has become focused on politics and religion and war when it really should be about remembering the fallen and the heros who have stepped up for this great country we live in. God Bless America.

If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Paper?

College causes you to have a lot of things going through your mind at once. It’s amazing that your brain can process it all without exploding. A couple of my classes use an online program. Without boring you with the specifics, just know that there’s a lot of deadlines and work to keep track off. That’s nothing new, but having it all online seems to make it seem worse. 

Tuesday night, well really Wednesday morning, I woke up at about 3:30 in an absolute panic. The first test in biomed is coming up and for whatever reason I thought that we had to write a 3-4 page paper summarizing the whole first chapter which was to be turned in Friday. I was trying to remember if I saw the due date of the paper on the course’s website, but I couldn’t remember for certain that I did. So at this point, I was still convinced that this paper existed. 

Now as you know, I’m not the type of person to wait until the last minute to do something. Yes, on occasion I do, but there's no way I would in this type of situation. Keeping that in mind, you will understand the terror I was feeling at this ridiculous time of day. I was already planning out when I was going to work on the paper and how it would fit into my schedule. Just writing about it right now is getting me all worked up. 

So now it’s 4:00, and I knew that there was no way I was going to fall back asleep. On top of being stressed out of my mind I would also be exhausted when I was trying to write this paper. Trying to calm down, I started to listen to some music. After about ten minutes, it hit me. THERE IS NO PAPER TO WRITE. Where did the idea that there was a paper even come from? How could I worry about something that didn’t even exist? Then I proceeded to laugh at my stupid mind and fell back asleep.

Now that I am fully coherent, there’s a lot of different ways that I could analyze this whole thing. Maybe I need to make a more detailed schedule. Since things are starting to get crazy, maybe it's a reminder to completely trust God. Maybe I need to sleep some more, or increase the caffeine intake. It’s one or the other, but I haven’t decided which one it is yet. Or maybe I just need to slow down. In the end, it’s a combination of all these things.

So next time you’re freaking out about something, stop and think about it. You might discover that what you’re worrying about doesn’t even exist. 

Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.