Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why the Delay?

Because I have to spend my time writing things like, "Met-enkephalin and leu-enkephalin are two endogenous opiate peptide neurotransmitters. From previous studies, it is known that RLS patients may be dopamine and iron deficient in the substantia nigra. Low iron levels have been known to lead to the death of dopaminergic cells in animal models of RLS. All of this information implies that iron, dopamine and opioids are all factors in the onset of RLS" or, "A lack of endogenous thalamic opioids causes pain stimuli from spinothalamic levels to be changed and the body feels an urge to move, which is the characterizing symptom of RLS. Since the levels of tyrosine hydroxylase in the substantia nigra were the same in RLS patients and the control group, RLS must not change dopaminergic activity in that brain area" instead of telling you about my life. And if I did try to write about the million things going on in my head at the present time, it would probably sound like I was talking about enkephalins and endogenous thalamic opioids anyways. At least I'm off to go paint for enhancing creativity, which has so far been one of my favorite classes.