Thursday, March 6, 2014


As I think about moving back to Arizona I'm realizing how quickly and drastically my life is going to change. One day I will be taking finals, and the next I will no longer be a college student. One night I will sleep in Ogden, and the next I will be back in my own bed in Prescott. The thought of it has been freaking me out because there will be no smooth transition into the next part of my life. I hate change as it is, and for it to happen so suddenly is intimidating. 
During the early years of college I felt like I was living two completely different lives; one in Utah and one in Arizona. But in the past year or so my life has all blended together. My family knows my friends in Utah and my friends know my family. Since Zane and I have been long-distance I felt like our relationship was another aspect of my life that not many people were personally involved in. Then this past week Zane visited Ogden, and now my Utah friends know him. This week I was able to see him with the people who have been the biggest influence in my life during college, and they were able to meet the man I’m going to spend the rest of my life with. Every aspect of my life is overlapping. It’s a beautiful thing really. For graduation my parents, grandparents, Robert, and Zane will be coming. One of the greatest joys in my life comes from seeing my family with my Utah friends. Seriously, I can't even explain how it makes me feel. For the biggest transition of my life so far, I’m looking forward to (I would say I can’t wait, but I can wait) having all of my favorite people in one place for the friesta to end all friestas.
Now that I’ve seen I’m no longer living a compartmentalized life, I feel comforted about moving. My family in Arizona and my friends in Utah are all intertwined, and no matter where I live I know they will always be a part of my life. I know life only gets better as time goes on. So if I thought life was great now, I can’t even imagine how it will be in the next couple years. 

See, I am doing something new!
Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

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