Monday, March 31, 2014


In 4 weeks I will be moving back to Prescott. As graduation is approaching and my time in Ogden is coming to a close, a couple things are happening:

1. Excitement about no longer being a college student
2. Sheer terror about the thought of being an adult
3. Nostalgia, which leads to an abnormally high level of emotions 
4. Crying (see number 3)

Sometimes I’ll be thinking about all that has happened in Utah, which makes thankfulness leak out of my eyeballs. But a majority of the time memories will come up, which reminds me how much I love the people here and then I cry out of sadness over moving away. I’m afraid to lose friendships, or to drift away from people who have been such a huge part of my life. But if I fell in love over skype, then maintaining a long-distance friendship is surely possible.

There is no doubt Arizona is my home. Utah is a great place, but I can’t live here long-term. Still, I feel torn between two places. I miss my family and Prescott, and I’m ready to start my life with my fiancĂ©. Except when I leave in a month, part of me will always be missing. Ogden is going to leave a huge hole in my heart, and I’m not quite sure what to do with that. 

God has been reminding me that no matter where I live, he is closer to me than anyone I may be missing. While life changes, he is constant. He is a safe refuge who deserves our trust. 

As a community we are all mourning the end of our time together. But as followers of Christ, there is something we can hold on to for hope as we all begin to go down different paths in life. We often forget that our time on earth is short, and this life is temporary. However, if we maintain our focus on eternity throughout our lives, our time apart really won't seem that long. Then we will be able to catch up on everything that has happened in our lives when we all get to heaven. If we thought worship was good now, just wait until we are before the throne of God worshiping in his presence. We have come together, built friendships, and are connected by God’s love. Nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

I will hold you, child,
when all is done, when the world is gone
and its songs have been sung

You will be with me through endless years
we will dance and sing when your heart is fulfilled

Don't you close your eyes, don't you lose your way
don't you miss all the gifts that are unforeseen

I'm your anchor and shieldI'm the wind in your sails
I'm the song in your heart, the God who saves

Our homes may be miles apart, but despite distance and the time that passes between visits, we will always have an eternal home. No matter how different our lives may be, we are all journeying towards our only true home. One day our community will reunite there. We’ll be joined by our families and others who have become a part of our lives, and we will all be one massive family again.

All in the city of God sing in their festive dance:
“Within you, Lord, is my true home.”

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