Friday, January 25, 2013

Do You Trust Me?

There are a lot of things going on at the moment. I think all of them are good, but I have no idea how they're going to turn out. It’s all uncertain and unknown, and I can't even begin to guess how they will end up. How can I move forward when I don’t even know where I’m going? 

Remembering God’s faithfulness in the past. 

Lately I’ve seen him writing people’s stories and how he brings people into your life at the right time. We always say that God’s timing is perfect, but to actually live it is incredible. To know that the creator of the universe is paying attention to every detail of your life makes my head hurt and my heart feel loved. 

Since coincidences aren’t real, I don’t think it’s random that in a time where I’m experiencing such a deep trust in God, that I’ve been thinking about my dad. Because of how my dad loves me I have no trouble calling God, Daddy.

Yesterday I remembered one time when my dad and I were out driving when I still had my permit. We were going down the road, when he reached over and put his hand in front of my face. What did I do? I never swerved or hit the brakes, I just kept driving. Apparently that wasn’t the reaction he was looking for, and he was beginning to seriously question my driving abilities. But why did I just keep going? I trusted that he wouldn’t have covered my eyes if we were going to be in danger, and if a dog ran into the road, he would’ve taken over. I trusted in his vision even though I couldn’t see, and that he could and would keep us safe. 

In everything that is currently happening, God keeps asking me one thing: Do you trust me? Yes, Daddy, I do. I trust your guidance and that you know where we’re going, even though I can’t see. I trust in your protection, and that you will be with me the entire time.

O Most High, when I am afraid, 
in you I place my trust. 

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