Saturday, February 25, 2012


I pay attention to details. Maybe even too much, because sometimes I try to make connections and there’s just way too much for my brain to process. Well God knows I’m a detail person. After all, He did make me that way. So for the past week and a half He’s constantly been bringing up Proverbs 4:23. It first started when I’d look at what time it was. Yep, 4:23. I know it’s dumb, but hey, God knows how to grab my attention. It was the verse of the day on tuesday, and don't even get me started on how many songs I've been hearing that talk about hearts. Then I’ve been wanting to download a new album by Audrey Assad. Guess what it’s called. Yep, Heart. And I recently started a section of a book all about your spiritual heart where Proverbs 4:23 was the verse under the chapter title.

So I’m starting a word study on heart. It is used seven hundred and forty-three times in the Bible. That’s more than any other word I’ve looked up before, so I decided to compare that to faith. Just guess how many times that’s used. Yep, four hundred and twenty-three. 
Well I need to get started on my reading, because I’m fairly certain God has something important for me to learn. Ah, I just love it when He speaks to me like this. 

With all vigilance guard your heart,
for in it are the sources of life.


  1. I've been listening to "All Sons & Daughters," (one of their songs was used during the slide show at this past large group), and I love them! You should definitely check out their music. Such good lyrics! So far, "Glory" is my favorite.

    1. i've been listening to them a little bit today too, and that song made me stop and look up the lyrics. you know, it was the whole 'heart' thing. you should look up audrey assad too. her lyrics are muy bueno
