Thursday, August 26, 2010

So it Begins...

There have been a few requests that I start a blog, or do something to keep people informed of what’s going on in my life. I was reluctant to start one because my life really isn’t that exciting, but it looks kinda fun so I’m going to give it a try. Honestly, I have no idea what it’s going to be about or if people are even going to read it. It’s probably going to be pretty random, because I’m just random sometimes. 
Oh where to start... I guess I’ll try and tell you about myself so you’ll understand where I’m coming from when I’m rambling on about whatever.
I love God, and I try to spread His love through my actions, not my words. I try to use the words “I” and “my” as little as possible. Sometimes that’s just impossible to do. Like when you’re describing yourself to other people. My family is HUGE, and I love every single person in it. My friends are like my family and I love them all dearly. Driving is a stress reliever, and I treat my car like a person. His name is Jasper, and he says hi. I feel really awkward if my hands are empty, especially when I’m talking to people. So I'll fidget with a cell phone, remote, pen, whatever is around. I write down quotes about life all the time. Writing things down helps me figure out what I’m trying to say. If I just try and talk, it doesn’t make any sense. I think a lot. A LOT. About deep things too. I’m a morning person. And a late night person. So that makes me a sleep-deprived person. I laugh weird. I love the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series. I play the guitar to de-stress too. I’ve never really played in front of anyone so I don’t know if I’m any good, but I hope I am. I have a tattoo. So that means I’m pretty much BA. I'm sarcastic. My short-term memory doesn’t always work 100% of the time, so please forgive me if I just met you and can't remember your name. I’m kind of a nerd. I like listening more than talking. I love scary movies. Slasher ones too. Oh and disney of course. Memory lane is my favorite place to travel. I’m so glad that I grew up in Prescott, and I’m probably going to live there after college. I was born with a heart defect. I used to hate talking about it because I thought people who think of me differently, and I don't want people to think I'm trying to get attention. Now I’ve figured out that they will think of me differently, but in a positive way. And I’m completely ok with that. I want to study cardiac ultrasound (huh I wonder why?). But pediatrics not old people. Most importantly I want to help kids like me. I can't dance, therefore I hate going to dances. I expect a lot out of myself. Mostly with school. It’s one of the only times when I can be the best. That sounds bad, but seriously, who wants to be “just alright” at everything? I don’t like people who drive like jerks. Especially right after they get out of church. Come on people. Just be nice. I like to learn about different religions. I enjoy being with people who are perfectly content if we don’t say anything to each other. 

That's all I can think of right now, and I'm sure that's all that you want to read too. I really hope that you enjoy my writing!

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