Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Have Gone Bananas

Remember before the summer started when I was looking for a job so I would have something to do? Well, I have two part time jobs and an internship to keep me busy. First, is the youth ministry internship at church. Then there is the scorekeeping job a couple nights a week, and finally is the job at Goin’ Bananas. It’s a new frozen yogurt and smoothie shop, and it’s cheaper and tastier than the other yogurt place in town. 
One of the most exciting discoveries of the summer has been figuring out how to get Netflix on the Wii. When I’m not working, you can probably find me sitting on the couch watching Medium. I just can’t get enough of that crime-solving psychic or her middle daughter, who is one of my favorite television characters of all time. This also allowed me to have a Medium marathon yesterday when I was sick.

Last Friday was the eighth grade dance. Robert was thrilled about having the chance to dress up. Apparently he does listen to me because he wore P.F. Flyers ("Shoes guaranteed to make a kid run faster and jump higher") instead of nice dress up shoes.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mi Madre

Every day I catch myself sounding more and more like my mom. Sometimes it 
really freaks me out, but actually I'm kind of starting to like it.

My Mama is so pretty.